Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ninja Melayu dan Mayang Mengurai

Mayang Kelapa

Saya pun berjalan menuju ke bilik. Namun langkah saya terhenti apabila terdengar satu perkataan dari mulut datuk, perkataan yang benar-benar menimbulkan perasaan aneh dalam diri saya.

"...Mayang Mengurai, tak sia-sia aku hantarkan kau belajar pondok..."

Saya tahu dan yakin bahawa kata-kata itu ditujukan pada ibu saya. Siapakah ibu saya sebenarnya?

Nampaknya Puteri Mayang Mengurai yang sering muncul dalam hikayat-hikayat Melayu dahulukala itu memang wujud dan dicatat oleh para pengembara China purbakala. Jika saya ada peruntukan besar, saya ingin ke Beijing (bukan ke Beijing untuk membuktikan Hang Tuah seorang Cina) tetapi untuk menggali segala rekod maharaja China tentang orang-orang Melayu dan lautnya. Orang-orang China dahulukala jujur dalam mencatat tidak seperti golongan kiasu kini yang pembohong dan tamak haloba.

Sebab itu saya katakan, jika anda belajar sejarah menurut cara dan gaya yang saya ajarkan, bukan cara sejarahwan Malaysia yang pemalas, anda akan jumpa banyak perkara yang menakjubkan. 450 tahun dijajah kuasa Eropah menyebabkan kita, orang Melayu seolah-olah masuk ke dalam 'black hole' yang apabila pada tahun 1957 kita kembali ke bumi, kita mengalami amnesia, lupa sejarah kita yang lalu.

Ketika saya teringatkan semua peristiwa itu, saya masih terbaring di atas katil, beransur pulih dari kesakitan. Di sisi saya terletak kemas kitab "As-Syamailul Muhammadiyah' karangan Imam At-Tirmizi.Sungguh banyak tentang peribadi nabi s.a.w tertulis di dalam kitab itu. Membaca peribadi nabi s.a.w sedikit sebanyak meneguhkan peribadi saya dalam berjuang menghadapi hidup ini.

Airmata saya tiba-tiba mengalir deras.Saya masih teringatkan datuk dan ibu. Datuk telah lama pergi,ketika saya masih darjah enam. Kehilangan datuk menyebabkan saya kehilangan segala misteri negeri Perak, negeri kesayangan dan tempat lahir saya. Saya hilang sumber cerita dan penglipurlara. Saya tidak sempat untuk bertanya lagi tentang sejarah Melayu, lebih-lebih lagi kini saya bergelar sejarahwan.

Saya mencapai beg tangan saya. Saya keluarkan satu balutan kain kuning dari dalam beg tangan.

Sebilah badik yang mempunyai mata berlok;seolah-olah keris kecil, tergenggam kemas di tangan saya. Saya merenung bahagian mata badik yang beralun-alun seperti ular yang menyusur. Maafkan aku Mayang Mengurai, detik hati saya. Air mata saya mengalir lagi.

Tiada yang lebih menyeksakan seorang gadis yang berumur 15 tahun apabila patah salah satu tempat bergantungnya. Dia tidak sempat untuk mengenal siapa Mayang Mengurainya. Dia belum sempat untuk mencari asal-usulnya. ****
* yeah! anda boleh ikuti episod yang menarik ini dalam artikel sepenuhnya ...... sabar !

Cerita Ninja Melayu 

Bermula dari penceritaan asal usulnya, maka terbitlah ungkapan yang melakar senyuman pembaca. Rupanya Bangsa Melayu juga mempunyai sejarah Ninja nya yang tersendiri... baca petikan artikel di bawah.

Pagi esoknya, saya lihat ibu memunggah barang-barang di dalam rumah.Habis berselerak segala benda di tengah rumah, di dalam bilik terutamanya. "Ibu cari apa?" saya bertanya.

Namun ibu diam sahaja. Saya pun masuk ke bilik. Saya mencapai sebuah buku dan membacanya sambil berbaring. Tidak berapa lama kemudian, saya terdengar bunyi tapak kaki di luar. Saya pun bergegas mengintai di celahan tingkap bilik yang terbuka sedikit. Saya lihat ibu berjalan ke arah belukar di kanan rumah dan menghilang. Saya perasan dia memegang sesuatu yang dibalut kain kuning.

Saya kenal barang yang dibalut kain kuning itu. Kalau tak silap saya, ia adalah sebilah keris purba pemberian datuk saya sebelah ibu. Datuk saya bernama Ngah Jabor, merupakan cucu seorang panglima jajahan Larut dan Matang. Saya rapat dengan datuk saya itu. Dia suka bercerita apabila kami berkunjung ke rumahnya. Salah satu cerita yang paling saya gemar ialah tentang sejarah Negeri Perak. Mungkin salah satu sebab saya menyukai sejarah ialah faktor datuk saya yang seorang ini. Pengetahuan sejarah tentang Negeri Perak sungguh luas. Apa yang dia ceritakan banyak selari dengan buku Cempakasari Negeri Perak yang saya baca kemudian hari.

Ya. Dari sini timbul beberapa persoalan yang menarik berkaitan Ninja dan Samurai Melayu...

Sebenarnya raja-raja Perak ada banyak panglima tersembunyi. Cuma tidak dikenali sahaja sebab berada di dalam hutan, bukan di istana. Saya bagi contoh yang hampir ia macam samurai dan ninja. Keduanya satu perguruan tapi samurai bekerja dengan kerajaan, manakala ninja bergerak bebas, jadi assasin atau askar upahan.

Moyang saya 'ninja' ini, tapi mereka setia pada Sultan, cuma tidak bekerja di istana. Sampai masa tenaga mereka diperlukan. Ini antara sebab kuasa Siam hanya sampai ke Kedah sahaja.

Tentang panglima raja tu,memang terbahagi kepada dua... satu yang rasmi dilantik ikut protokol istana dan biasanya ada persalinan (uniform). Satu lagi panglima tak rasmi tapi bertaatsetia dengan Sultan. Kenapa tak nak kerja kat istana. Ha...ini ada rahsianya. Biasanya ini panglima yang ada amalkan tarikat tertentu. Mereka ni orang zuhud. Sultan bila sudah terancam atau panglima istananya sudah tidak mampu bertahan, akan guna talian hayat; maknanya akan 'call' panglima-panglima tak rasmi ini.

Setelah Raja Abdullah dibuang negeri, British membiarkan Perak tidak bersultan pada suatu ketika... namun tiba-tiba berusaha mewujudkan kembali institusi Sultan dengan meminta kerabat raja menaikkan Sultan baru,kenapa agaknya? Kenapa tak jadikan Perak macam Melaka, P.Pinang atau Singapura?

Ini pula cerita lain, kes nasi lemak... hah ha!

Encik Radzi (MerahSilu) amat berani mempertahankan nasi lemak. Ya saya pun amat marah kepada kebodohan pihak yang mensabotaj makanan kesayangan orang Melayu ini. Selama ini,nasi lemak dihidangkan kepada generasi ke generasi, tidak pula menyebabkan semua rakyat Malaysia obesiti. Betul-betul kiasu sampai makanan pun di 'genocide'kan.

Adiputra pun makan nasi lemak, tapi tiada pula menyebabkan otaknya mereng,tak gitu Encik Radzi?

go go go ... baca jangan tak baca... 
artikel penuh  "Don't cry,Srikandi"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Al-Qaida Ada Nuklear?  WikiLeaks?

 Muslihat apakah ini? 

Tidak cukupkah membohongi dunia dengan peristiwa 9/11? Kegilaan USA semakin menjadi-jadi selepas kemaruk minyak Arab kini membuka dusta baru untuk mengharuskan nyawa orang Islam. Bukankah Osama itu adalah watak ciptaan CIA sendiri? 

 Sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal sama sekali. Apa yang menghairankan ramai juga yang terpedaya dengan pembohongan sebegini. USA sememangnya Raja Pendusta. Mewajarkan tahanan Guantanamo dan serangan terhadap negara islam. 

Laporan WikiLeaks: Kelompok pejuang al-Qaida mendakwa memiliki senjata nuklear dan tidak ragu-ragu menggunakannya jika pemimpin mereka, Osama bin Ladin ditangkap atau dibunuh oleh Amerika Syarikat. Belum diketahui persis di mana senjata nuklear al-Qaida disimpan, tetapi dilaporkan berada di Eropah.

Hal ini diungkapkan oleh hasil interogasi terhadap tahanan al Qaida di Guantanamo yang membocorkan data rahasia di laman web pembocor, WikiLeaks, seperti yang dilaporkan oleh surat kabar The Telegraph, Isnin ini, 25 April 2011.

Berita pengganas nuklear al-Qaida ini disampaikan oleh Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, komandan operasional al-Qaida yang ditahan di Guantanamo dan akan diadili tahun ini atas peranannya sebagai dalang serangan 11 September 2001. Dia mengatakan mereka memiliki fasiliti nuklear yang tersembunyi di suatu tempat di Eropah.

Mohammed mengatakan bahawa nuklear itu akan meledak jika Osama bin Ladin ditangkap atau dibunuh. Dia menjelaskan al-Qaida akan melancarkan serangan "neraka nuklear" ke seluruh dunia jika hal itu terjadi.

Ini bukan ancaman kosong, menurut dokumen WikiLeaks, intelijen AS telah mengungkapkan pembelian percobaan bahan baku nuklear oleh al-Qaida. Diperkirakan kelompok militan ini juga memiliki uranium, bahan utama dari tenaga nuklear.

Mohammed juga mengungkapkan al-Qaida telah merancang serangan besar-besaran di negara-negara besar di Asia, Afrika, Amerika Syarikat, dan Britain. Sebagian besar perencana serangan kini menjadi tahanan di Guantanamo.


Berhati-hatilah atas berita ini, USA sudah bersedia melancarkan NUKLEAR keatas sasaran (mungkin negaranya sendiri) untuk memulakan perang nuklear dan menghapuskan sebilangan besar penduduk dunia. Al-Qaeda akan dipersalahkan. Mereka terus merancang dan membuat pembohongan demi pembohongan. Mererka sediakan maklumat palsu untuk melaksanakan operasi sulit yang telah mereka rancangkan.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

MELAYU LONGLAI akibat menyingkirkan JAWI

Dimana JAWI masa kini? Bangsanya, tulisannya dan kekuatannya semakin pudar.
inilah satu satunya akhbar jawi
Bangsa ini amat gah suatu masa dahulu sebelum nenasuki era penjajahan barat. Telah melalui satu zaman yang penuh keemasan, disegani oleh kawan dan lawan. Dicemburui pencapaiannya. Selepas dijajah, kekuatannya mula pudar dan mula meruntun ke arah kejatuhan. Walaupun begitu, semasa penjajahan kekuatan(jati diri) Melayu masih lagi wujud walaupun pada zahirnya kelihatan suram. Beberapa pusat pengajian berstatus “pondok” masih berupaya membangunkan ummah agar terus berpegang kukuh pada tali-tali Allah. 

Kesinambungan dari institusi “pondok” inilah yang membangunkan beberapa istitusi pengajian Islam moden seperti Kolej Islam, Maktab-maktab bertaraf sekolah menengah dan Universiti-universiti Islam. Namun keadaan kekuatan dalaman insan Melayu ini amat jauh berkurangan jika dibandingkan dengan keupayaan para pelajar lepasan “pondok” tersebut. Kekuatan tasawwuf telah tercemar dengan teruknya.

Dari sini lahirlah bijak pandai Islam yang pakar dalam pelbagai bidang ilmu terutama ilmu anutan barat. Kesungguhan dan fokus mereka telah berubah. Mereka kini telah dilatih mengikut acuan penjajah walaupun penjajah telah lama meninggalkan negara ini. Amat malang mereka tidak lagi memahami apa itu tasawwuf, apatah lagi mencapai intisari tasawwuf yang amat mulia dan suci tersebut. Akibatnya, kekuatan dalaman Islam telah menjadi “longlai” dan hilang serinya. 

Ketika dijajah, penguasaan ilmu tahap tinggi masih menebal dan pengajian agama tidak dapat dihalang oleh penjajah. Walaupun telah cuba digugat dengan beberapa suntikan racun untuk melumpuhkannya, ia tidak begitu berjaya. Pihak penjajah seperti telah mengetahui bencana yang bakal mereka terima sekiranya usaha keras dilakukan untuk mengubah cara hidup masyarakat masa itu yang kuat berpegang kepada kehidupan bertasawwuf. 

Orang Melayu akan bangkit bersama kekuatan yang luar biasa serta menggugat kekuasaan (penjajahan) mereka. Raja dan Sultan Melayu masih menjadi tunggak kekuatan Islam yang unggul. Rakyat akan bersatu dengan institusi kesultanan ini menghuru harakan kuasa penjajah. Sebab itu mereka (penjajah) hanya melakukannya secara sulit dan rahsia dalam usaha memusnahkan kekuatan Islam dari hati orang Melayu. Mereka sebenarnya cukup kecewa bila agama mereka, Kristian tidak mendapat tempat di hati orang Melayu. Agama ini tidak disanjung sebagaimana berlaku kepada bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia. 

Usaha yang paling berjaya ialah dengan menyisihkan sumber pengetahuan Islam kepada bangsa ini. Kitab-kitab lama yang penuh rahsia dan hikmat akan terbiar reput di dalam almari kerana sudah tiada pembacanya. AlQuran juga akan semakin jauh dari sanubari orang Melayu. 

Kitab Jawi Lama

Satu ketika dahulu orang Melayu amat senang dipanggil Bangsa Jawi selepas menganut Islam. Sebagai simbol kekuatan Islam, tulisan yang digunakan oleh orang Melayu pada masa itu hanyalah tulisan Jawi.

Penerimaan terhadap Islam oleh  bangsa ini amat luar biasa dan sehingga kini menjadi satu polemik dan misteri kenapa berlakunya satu fenomena ajaib, 100 peratus orang Melayu menerima Islam dan menolak agama lain. 

 Setelah gelaran sebagai bangsa "JAWI" hilang, tinggallah hanya tulisan JAWI, kini tulisan ini juga perlahan-lahan dijumudkan atas usaha seorang yang kita nobatkan sebagai "pendita". Usaha yang mulanya dianggap sebagai memodenkan bahasa Melayu ini akhirnya memberi implikasi yang sungguh memeranjatkan. Jenerasi Melayu akhirnya menjadi buta Jawi dan tidak lagi mampu membaca dan menulis Jawi. Kitab lama yang bertulisan jawi klasik tentu sekali asing kepada masyarakat Melayu moden. 
beras jawi - beras nasi
Melucukan juga pada masa ini "beras jawi" sudah tidak disebut lagi. Mungkin ada diantara kita yang tidak mengetahui apa itu "beras jawi".... tinggallah hanya perkataan “masuk jawi”. Itu pun dah semakin ditinggalkan. Mungkin juga perkataan "Melayu" juga akan menerima nasib yang sama? Diharap ia tidak akan berlaku.

Semasa merantau ke beberapa laman sahabat saya terhidu sesuatu yang agak menyentuh jiwa saya. Akhirnya saya membuat keputusan untuk menyiarkan beberapa petikan dari ulasan  pembaca di salah satu blog kegemaran saya (nusanaga - dulu phenomenon) supaya kita sama-sama dapat mengambil iktibar dan suluhan terhadap saranan serta pandangan beliau yang saya kira amat menarik. Ada sedikit editing dibuat namun tidak lari dari maksud yang hendak disampaikan. Bagi saya ia merupakan satu nasihat yang tulus dari seorang yang benar-benar insaf terhadap keadaan Bangsa Melayu masa kini.

Mengenal "sejarah silam" itu adalah yang terbaik untuk meneroka jalan yang boleh membawa kita mengenal jatidiri, yang baik buatlah tauladan dan yang buruk buatlah sempadan.

Tiada gunanya kita memburukkan "sejarah silam" datuk nenek moyang kita, (walaupun mereka bukan beragama Islam seperti kita) umpama meludah ke langit.. akhirnya jatuh ke atas hidung sendiridan yang penting jangan terlalu beremosi.

Untuk orang Melayu pada zaman ini harus bangkit sebagai bangsa yang hebat dan agung seperti mana nenek-moyang mereka dahulu kala. Bangsa Melayu memerlukan kesedaran bahawa mereka mesti berilmu dengan yang 4 perkara iaitu, syariat, tarikat, hakikat, makrifat - mesti membawa sifat-sifat siddiq, amanah, tabligh. fathonah di dalam diri..

Harus menjadi seorang khalifah, mula-mula khalifah pada diri dan dapatlah dia mengawal dan memimpin emosi serta hawa nafsunya sendiri. Tidaklah berkelahi, berperang ikut sedap rasa, kemudian barulah dapat pula menjadi khalifah pada keluarganya dan seterusnya masyarakat.
Tentang siapa itu Iman Mahdi dan bila kemunculannya tak perlulah kita fikirkan lagi. 

Buatlah persediaan diri dulu seperti yang saya katakan tadi. Sentiasa berada dalam Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah - iaitu orang-orang yang mengikut sunnah nabi dan berpandukan al-Quran dan dalam keadaan berjemaah senantiasa

"Saya doakan siang dan malam akan kejayaan kamu wahai anak-anak Melayu.. insyaAllah suatu masa nanti kita akan bangun semula di persada dunia" - melur sari nasution

Banjaran Titiwangsa yang penuh rahsia
Saya menyedari bahawa Semenanjung Tanah Melayu ini menyimpan rahsia yang belum terungkap dibawah Klue-Klue yang disebuntukan oleh ahli-ahli Geologi. Hutan kita dikatakan sebagai hutan tropica tertua di dunia, Banjaran kita dikatakan terbentuk kira-kira 350 juta tahun dahulu, lebih tua dari Banjaran Endes, Himalaya, Alps dan sebagainya.

Dasar laut kita diadalah sebahagian dari Pentas Sunda (benua Sunda) dan kesemua kenyataan-kenyataan geologi ini sekadar mengingatkan kita kepada Lanskap Awal dan asal bumi yang kita diami ini sekarang. Pada saya keutamaan bagi diri saya adalah bukan untuk mengkaji kronologi-kronologi yang berlaku sehingga membentuk landskap yang kita lihat sekarang,tetapi lebih “Murad” kita mengambil info-info ini sebagai tanda kebesaran Allah s.w.t dan peringatan-peringatan yang telah ditinggalkan oleh RasulNya kepada kita sebagai penghuni dibawah langit ini.

Lebih Murad (maksud yang lebih luas), jika kita mengambil semua ini sebagai pelajaran untuk kita membesarkan Allah s.w.t, mendaki jalan kepada Mengenal sifa-sifat Allah untuk menyerah diri kepada hakikat kehambaan kita kepada Allah s.w.t..

Mengapa perlu kita mengkaji susur galur keberadaan kita di bumi Nusantara ini sehingga ke daerah kegelapan sebelum kedatangan Islam sedangkan keutamaan kita adalah mengisi Islam itu sendiri dari misi menyempurnakan salasilah yang telah terpadam.

Kita adalah umat baru, agama kita yang berusia 1400 tahun inilah yang perlu kita isi akan haq-haqnya kerana agama ini telah berusia lebih kurang 500 hingga 600 tahun disini.

Tugas kita adalah menyambung kebaradaan agama Allah pada diri kita, menelusuri jalan-jalan pejuang agama yang dahulu dan memakmurkan agama Allah ini sehingga kita dpt kembali kepada Sunnatullah. Inilah tuntutan yang utama dan lebih Haq.
bersukaria dan tiada matlamat hidup
Lihat sekeliling kita, lihat wajah-wajah pemuda pemudi kita dan persekitarannya, wajah yang kita lihat ini adalah kesan dari pengabaian kita terhadap peringatan yang telah Rasulullah sampaikan dahulu. 

Wajah yang kita lihat hari ini adalah akibat dari kecuaian kita kerana Dajjal sudahpun masuk ke setiap rumah sehingga kita lebih utamakan perkara-perkara keduniaan, kefasikkan berleluasa(mungkin ada yang tidak kenal apa itu fasiq), kejahatan sudah tiada istirehat sehingga menunggu masa ia memenuhi muka bumi.

Inilah yang patut kita renungkan, supaya kita sedar bagaimana ianya boleh bermula dan bertindak menghentikan punca-punca boleh berlakunya kerosakan demi kerosakan ini kerana semuanya bermula dari pintu-pintu rumah setiap dari kita sendiri. Hisablah diri kita sendiri kerana generasi yang lepas itu semuanya sudah dilenyapkan oleh Allah dan kita perlu segara kembali kepada fitrah sebelum kita juga turut dibinasakan oleh Allah.

Ohh pelacur bermata biru.. masyaAllah dunia menuju kehancuran.

"Dia janda anak satu, bukan pelacur tetap, tetapi kalau ada yang mahukannya, bisa diurus Pak."

CATATAN PERJALANAN -Medan-Banda Aceh 2.AKU naik 'labi-labi' pagi semalam. Menuju ke Bandar Lhokseumawe dari Kruang Guekueh. Labi-labi ialah sejenis kenderaan awam seperti 'bas mini' kalau di Kuala Lumpur puluhan tahun lalu. Aku duduk di depan sekali disebelah pemandunya.

Tiba-tiba naik seorang awek atau 'cewek', duduk di sebelahku. Duduk agak rapat, bertindih, maklum kerana tempat sempit, tiga orang duduk di depan. Nampaknya dia kenal rapat dengan pemandu itu. Dia memakai jilbab, berseluar panjang ketat tetapi berbaju nipis labuh paras lutut.........

teruskan membaca kisahnya di sini

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Libya: Privatization of their Central Bank and the Theft of their Nationalized Oil Profits

Posted on March 29, 2011 by willyloman

"The rebels in Libya are in the middle of a life or death civil war and Moammar Gadhafi is still in power and yet somehow the Libyan rebels have had enough time to establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company"

There is no question anymore as to why the Obama administration is attempting to impose a change of the regime of Libya.

On March 17th I wrote about the invasion of Libya being about two main objectives: privatizing the national oil company and the state-owned central banking system. I pointed out that the US and British inserted language in the UN resolution that allowed them to freeze the accounts of the nationalized oil company as well as the central bank of Libya. Well, before they have even won their coup, the CIA backed pro-west opposition has taken the time to announce that they have formed a new national oil company and central bank. Obviously they have allowed our neo-liberal economic hit-men to write-up the legal documentation for this action and I am sure it hands over control to multinationals outside Libya. This is why so many globalist apologists and neo-liberals have been running around the last week claiming that the real government in Libya is the Transitional National Council.

It has always been about gaining control of the central banking system in Libya. Oil is just a profitable side issue like every other state asset that is waiting in Libya to be privatized and sold off to multinational corporations like Bechtel, GE, and Goldman Sachs. Oil is important and it is certainly a target but it isn’t the driving force behind these global wars for profit. Banking is.

Once the Coalition Provisional Authority took over in Iraq, the second thing they did, after signing a law banning the Baathists and disbanding the military, was to sign over the state-owned central banking system to privately held banking interests, bringing Iraq online with the web of private central banks. That took place the very first day of the CPA’s control of Iraq.

United Nations resolution 1483 transferred the authority to authorize expenditures from Iraq’s oil revenue from the United Nations to the Coalition Provisional Authority… The International Advisory and Monitoring Board consisted of senior financial experts from the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank...
… After the U.S. military came in and took over Iraq, the CPA quickly began issuing many binding orders privatizing Iraq’s economy and opening it up to foreign investment. This was welcomed by many multinational corporations who saw the war as an opportunity to make billions of dollars in profits.“ Wiki

If you control the issuance of money in a country and can turn huge profits while enslaving the population with the debt that it produces, then everything, everything including the oil and everything else, belongs to you.

“You control the debt, you control everything. This is the very nature of banking. To make us all, whether it is a nation or an individual, slaves to debt.” The International

That is why control of the central bank was far more important than the oil in Iraq or in Libya.

“The rebels in Libya are in the middle of a life or death civil war and Moammar Gadhafi is still in power and yet somehow the Libyan rebels have had enough time to establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company.
According to Bloomberg, the Transitional National Council has “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.” Apparently someone felt that it was very important to get pesky matters such as control of the banks and control of the money supply out of the way even before a new government is formed.” The Economic Collapse

The UN security council resolution was passed on the 17th of March late in the day. I wrote about it the very same night. According to the statement released by the “new government” of Libya, they met and hashed out the details of their new oil company and central bank system on the 19th, not 48 hours after the UN resolution promised ONLY to provide an no-fly zone over Libya for “humanitarian purposes”.

More than anything else, this new disclosure from the “new government” of Libya proves that this was NEVER about protecting the civilians, it was ALWAYS about stealing from them control of their monetary system and the nationalized oil profits that provide them with health-care, education, and even cash put right into each and every Libyan bank account as their part of the profits derived from a natural resource that belongs to them.

“The Transitional National Council released a statement announcing thedecision made at a March 19 meeting to establish the “Libyan Oil Company as supervisory authority on oil production and policies in the country, based temporarily in Benghazi, and the appointment of an interim director general” of the company.
The Council also said it “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.”
The Security Council adopted a resolution on March 17 that froze the foreign assets of the Libyan National Oil Corp. and the Central Bank of Libya, both described in the text as “a potential source of funding” for Qaddafi’s regime.” Bloomberg

Obama prevented no humanitarian catastrophe, he saved not one single life. What he has done is not in service to the people of Libya but rather those who he serves, the banking interests that put him in power in the first place. In Libya, Obama’s intervention was not designed to protect the people but to ensure that they too are enslaved just as we are enslaved. That is why a waitress at the hotel the press corp was staying at called Eman a traitor. They know what is at stake here just like most American liberals know. But to them it is more important to maintain the shared illusion in the face of a crumbling liberal ideology that is literally rotting from the inside.

What is happening in Libya will hurt the people of Libya, not help them. It will steal from them their health-care and their education. It will return them to a time before Gadhafi when they had an literacy rate of only 10% and sky-rocketing poverty. It will impose upon them the same crippling banking structure that the people of this country know altogether too well. There is no question anymore, there is no argument. The only question is how much damage will we allow our corrupt government to inflict on the rest of the world before we stand up and say enough. That is the only question that is left and the only question worth discussing.

Are we as morally bankrupt as the phonies who run our country or not? 
 It’s just that simple.
“Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor, I’ll piss on em
that’s what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses, let’s club em to death
get it over with and dump them on the boulevard” Lou Reed
Regime Change Libya: Privatization of their Central Bank and the Theft of their Nationalized Oil Profits

peoples said:
Jan, on March 29, 2011 at 9:51 am said:
It is amazing that these so called UN Humanitarian States have frozen and stolen Libyan national money……. when the UN knows that the money is also used for the welfare of so many Libyans…. so in fact the UN is trying to starve Libyans….. is that a humanitarian thing to do? NO. The UN and neo-vampires are stealing a nations assets. What amazes me even more is that other Muslim nations are just sitting by and allowing it.
It’s like the devil is standing up in full view and mocking all religions……
and all news about Gaddafi has been blocked? We don’t know what is really going on. Even al Jazeera has turned pro-western since the devil-faced Hilliary complained about them not posting the same dis-info as our regular puppet media. Guess everything can be bought off.
fuck you , al Jazeera.

willyloman, on March 29, 2011 at 10:17 am said:

Pure unadulterated bullshit coming from al Jazeera…
  1. “Fortunately, the Council wasn’t made-in-the-USA or manufactured by another foreign power. Rather it came into existence, a month ago, at Libyans’ own initiative, soon after the winds of revolutionary change blew Libya’s way, and after its people rose to the occasion with pride and courage.”
    Indeed several of the members of that council, the ones who have been named publicly, DO INDEED have US ties and one even lived in the United States in the heart of Pentagon/CIA land (northern VA)
    Today’s disclosure shows how the council is actively setting up the oil profits and the central bank to be bought up by US and British multinationals. So al Jazeera is complete and utter propaganda. period.
    re: “The only question is how much damage will we allow our corrupt government to inflict on the rest of the world before we stand up and say enough.” what do you make of this peace group’s planned demonstration?
    as i see it, the israel plank will alienate most every jew in nyc (intentional?) and the wikileaks segment shows naiveté at best. also, there’s no mention of 9/11 as is par for the course for peace groups. i had a conversation with graeme macqueen over the weekend (at the buildingwhat? conference at the university of hartford, which went well graeme said that in the anti-war groups to which he belongs, people see him as a kook for his 9/11 truth views and 9/11 truth activism. given that 9/11 was used as one of the alleged justifications for invading (and keeping us in) iraq, it’s so odd that the peace groups denigrate 9/11 truth, wouldn’t you say?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Libya - the rebirth of colonialism

The New Colonialism: Washington's Pursuit of World Hegemony
 "Gaddafi got himself targeted by standing up to Western imperialism. He refused to be part of the US Africa Command (AFRICOM). Gaddafi saw Washington’s scheme for what it is, a colonialist’s plan to divide and conquer"

What we are observing in Libya is the rebirth of colonialism. Only this time it is not individual European governments competing for empires and resources. The new colonialism operates under the cover of “the world community,” which means NATO and those countries that cooperate with it. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was once a defense alliance against a possible Soviet invasion of Western Europe. Today NATO provides European troops in behalf of American hegemony.

Washington pursues world hegemony under the guises of selective “humanitarian intervention” and “bringing freedom and democracy to oppressed peoples.” On an opportunistic basis, Washington targets countries for intervention that are not its “international partners.” Caught off guard, perhaps, by popular revolts in Tunisia and Egypt, there are some indications that Washington responded opportunistically and encouraged the uprising in Libya. Khalifa Hifter, a suspected Libyan CIA asset for the last 20 years, has gone back to Libya to head the rebel army.

Gaddafi got himself targeted by standing up to Western imperialism. He refused to be part of the US Africa Command. Gaddafi saw Washington’s scheme for what it is, a colonialist’s plan to divide and conquer.

The US Africa Command (AFRICOM) was created by order of President George W. Bush in 2007. AFRICOM describes its objective:
“Our approach is based upon supporting U.S. national security interests in Africa as articulated by the President and Secretaries of State and Defense in the National Security Strategy and the National Military Strategy. The United States and African nations have strong mutual interests in promoting security and stability on the continent of Africa, its island states, and maritime zones. Advancing these interests requires a unified approach that integrates efforts with those of other U.S. government departments and agencies, as well as our African and other international partners.”
The AFRICOM Crest.  Click for high-res version.
Forty-nine countries participate in the US Africa Command, but not Libya, Sudan, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, and Ivory Coast. There is Western military intervention in these non-member countries except for Zimbabwe.

One traditional means by which the US influences and controls a country is by training its military and government officers. The program is called International Military and Education Training (IMET). AFRICOM reports that “in 2009 approximately 900 military and civilian students from 44 African countries received education and training in the United States or their own countries. Many officers and enlisted IMET graduates go on to fill key positions in their militaries and governments.”

AFRICOM lists as a key strategic objective the defeat of the “Al-Qaeda network.” The US Trans Sahara Counter Terrorism Partnership (TSCTP) trains and equips “partner nation forces “ to preclude terrorists from establishing sanctuaries and aims to “ultimately defeat violent extremist organizations in the region.”

Apparently, after ten years of “the war on terror” an omnipotent al-Qaeda now ranges across Algeria, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Tunisia in Africa, across the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the UK and is such a threat within the United States itself as to require a $56 billion “Homeland Security” annual budget.

The al-Qaeda threat, a hoax as likely as not, has become Washington’s best excuse for intervening in the domestic affairs of other countries and for subverting American civil liberties.

Sixty-six years after the end of World War II and 20 years after the Collapse of the Soviet Union, the US still has an European Command, one of nine military commands and six regional commands.

No other country feels a need for a world military presence. Why does Washington think that it is a good allocation of scarce resources to devote $1.1 trillion annually to military and security “needs”? Is this a sign of Washington’s paranoia? Is it a sign that only Washington has enemies?

Or is it an indication that Washington assigns the highest value to empire and squanders taxpayers’ monies and the country’s credit-worthiness on military footprints, while millions of Americans lose their homes and their jobs?

Washington’s expensive failures in Iraq and Afghanistan have not tempered the empire ambition. Washington can continue to rely on the print and TV media to cover up its failures and to hide its agendas, but expensive failures will remain expensive failures. Sooner or later Washington will have to acknowledge that the pursuit of empire has bankrupted the country.

It is paradoxical that Washington and its European “partners” are seeking to extend control over foreign lands abroad while immigration transforms their cultures and ethnic compositions at home. As Hispanics, Asians, Africans, and Muslims of various ethnicities become a larger and larger percentage of the populations of the “First World,” support for the white man’s empire fades away. Peoples desiring education and in need of food, shelter, and medical care will be hostile to maintaining military outposts in the countries of their origins.

Who exactly is occupying whom?

Parts of the US are reverting to Mexico. For example, demographer Steve Murdock, a former director of the US Census Bureau, reports that two-thirds of Texas children are Hispanics and concludes: “It’s basically over for Anglos.”

Ironic, isn’t it, while Washington and its NATO puppets are busy occupying the world, they are being occupied by the world.

from africom centre
NATO takes over multilateral operations in Libya
Apr 1, 2011 — U.S. aircraft will remain on standby as NATO takes over multilateral operations in Libya and the coalition considers its future role there, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told a Senate committee March 31, 2011.
U.S. military aircraft are still available to NATO in the next few days until the organization formally takes control of military operations over Libya, Gates told the Senate Armed Services Committee. After that, the U.S. fighter jets will remain on standby in case they are needed again, he said.

Gates and Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, earlier appeared before the House Armed Services Committee in what was a full day of testimony about the U.S. role in Libya.

Coalition forces had to halt air operations over Libya due to bad weather for the past two days, causing rebel forces to retreat from areas they'd gained since operations began March 19, Mullen said.

Gates described the U.S. military mission in Libya as an emergency prompted by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's intent to use his military against civilians protesting for his ouster. Without intervention, he said, the situation would have led to thousands of deaths, hundreds of thousands of refugees and destabilization across North Africa.

"That part of our mission is complete and successful," Gates said.

More than 20 nations, including several Arab countries, are participating in the NATO coalition -- some publicly, some not -- in different ways to enforce U.N. Resolution 1973 that allows for the no-fly zone, Mullen said. The coalition, he said, was able to move fast to prevent a disaster because of U.S. relations with those European and Middle Eastern nations.

Nota Tambahan:

Pendapat seorang pengulas artikel WW3 pada 3 Fab, 2011 pada masa ini krisis di Libya belum berlaku. Memang ada kewajarannya pandangan beliau.

kita tunggu dan lihat peristiwa yang menghala ke arah huru-hara dunia...bukan minta...tapi sudah tertulis dalam al-Quran dan hadis...

sekarang huru-hara di Mesir..berkemungkinan besar merebak ke Algeria dan kawasan yang berhampiran dengan Israel..Sistem dajal telah menggerakkan semua tenteranya dengan cukup teliti dan rapi sesuai dengan lambang jangka lukis pada lambang freemason tu...sama-samalah kita berdoa semoga saudara kita di sana dapat menangani kemaraan tentera Dajjal...

pada hipotesis saya, sekarang sistem Dajjal ini sudah hampir kemuncaknya...hanya menunggu masa yang sesuai...walaupun nak mengambil masa beberapa tahun..tetapi masa berlalu begitu pantas tanpa kita sedari..

benar seperti sabda nabi..di akhir zaman nanti masa akan melipat waktu..sistem DAjjal sudah masuk dalam setiap sudut baik dari ekonomi..politik,ketenteraan,sains dan sosial...penaklukannya sudah berada pada fasa ke-3..

sabda nabi..Dajjal akan memerintah 40hari...1 hari bagaikan setahun (British)..1 Hari bagaikan sebulan (Amerika)....1 hari bagaikan seminggu (Israel)..dan selebihnya adalah seperti hari-hari biasa...Pada hipotesis saya kuasa besar Amerika akan runtuh akibat krisis ekonominya (Krisis hutang) pada 2019...Israel akan muncul sebagai kuasa besar pada 2020...New World Order (NWO)..

adakah tahun ini berkebetulan dengan wawasan 2020 negara malaysia ?....kiraan tahun ini adalah adalah berdasarkan sistem galaksi bima sakti mempunyai 12 planet dan 1 matahari...sama seperti surah yusuf..Jarak antara planet sehingga yang planet ke 12 yang baru dijumpai baru-baru ini (Planet Keppler B) selepas planet Al-Quttb dan planet X...kiraan masa cukup 1000 tahun...nabi yusuf bermimpi semua 12 bintang sujud kepadanya...surah al-Haj..sehari kamu di azab adalah seribu tahun lamanya seperti mana yang kamu hitung....sekarang u all carilah senjata Dajjal sangat mengerikan..teknologi HAARP...nak solat dulu...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi: "The US-Saudi deal"

NATO - UN res 1973 "take out Gaddafi in Libya"

NWO operate in Benghazi
The revelation came from two different diplomats, a European and a member of the BRIC group, and was made separately to a US scholar and Asia Times Online. According to diplomatic protocol, their names cannot be disclosed. One of the diplomats said, "This is the reason why we could not support resolution 1973. We were arguing that Libya, Bahrain and Yemen were similar cases, and calling for a fact-finding mission. We maintain our official position that the resolution is not clear, and may be interpreted in a belligerent manner."

As Asia Times Online has reported, a full Arab League endorsement of a no-fly zone is a myth. Of the 22 full members, only 11 were present at the voting. Six of them were Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members, the US-supported club of Gulf kingdoms/sheikhdoms, of which Saudi Arabia is the top dog. Syria and Algeria were against it. Saudi Arabia only had to "seduce" three other members to get the vote.

Translation: only nine out of 22 members of the Arab League voted for the no-fly zone. The vote was essentially a House of Saud-led operation, with Arab League secretary general Amr Moussa keen to polish his CV with Washington with an eye to become the next Egyptian President.

Thus, in the beginning, there was the great 2011 Arab revolt. Then, inexorably, came the US-Saudi counter-revolution.

Profiteers rejoice 
Humanitarian imperialists will spin en masse this is a "conspiracy", as they have been spinning the bombing of Libya prevented a hypothetical massacre in Benghazi. They will be defending the House of Saud - saying it acted to squash Iranian subversion in the Gulf; obviously R2P - "responsibility to protect" does not apply to people in Bahrain. They will be heavily promoting post-Gaddafi Libya as a new - oily - human rights Mecca, complete with US intelligence assets, black ops, special forces and dodgy contractors.

Whatever they say won't alter the facts on the ground - the graphic results of the US-Saudi dirty dancing. Asia Times Online has already reported on who profits from the foreign intervention in Libya (see There's no business like war business, March 30). Players include the Pentagon (via Africom), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Saudi Arabia, the Arab League's Moussa, and Qatar. Add to the list the al-Khalifa dynasty in Bahrain, assorted weapons contractors, and the usual neo-liberal suspects eager to privatize everything in sight in the new Libya - even the water. And we're not even talking about the Western vultures hovering over the Libyan oil and gas industry.

Exposed, above all, is the astonishing hypocrisy of the Obama administration, selling a crass geopolitical coup involving northern Africa and the Persian Gulf as a humanitarian operation. As for the fact of another US war on a Muslim nation, that's just a "kinetic military action".

There's been wide speculation in both the US and across the Middle East that considering the military stalemate - and short of the "coalition of the willing" bombing the Gaddafi family to oblivion - Washington, London and Paris might settle for the control of eastern Libya; a northern African version of an oil-rich Gulf Emirate. Gaddafi would be left with a starving North Korea-style Tripolitania.

But considering the latest high-value defections from the regime, plus the desired endgame ("Gaddafi must go", in President Obama's own words), Washington, London, Paris and Riyadh won't settle for nothing but the whole kebab. Including a strategic base for both Africom and NATO.

Round up the unusual suspects
One of the side effects of the dirty US-Saudi deal is that the White House is doing all it can to make sure the Bahrain drama is buried by US media. BBC America news anchor Katty Kay at least had the decency to stress, "they would like that one [Bahrain] to go away because there's no real upside for them in supporting the rebellion by the Shi'ites."

For his part the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani, showed up on al-Jazeera and said that action was needed because the Libyan people were attacked by Gaddafi. The otherwise excellent al-Jazeera journalists could have politely asked the emir whether he would send his Mirages to protect the people of Palestine from Israel, or his neighbors in Bahrain from Saudi Arabia.

The al-Khalifa dynasty in Bahrain is essentially a bunch of Sunni settlers who took over 230 years ago. For a great deal of the 20th century they were obliging slaves of the British empire. Modern Bahrain does not live under the specter of a push from Iran; that's an al-Khalifa (and House of Saud) myth.

Bahrainis, historically, have always rejected being part of a sort of Shi'ite nation led by Iran. The protests come a long way, and are part of a true national movement - way beyond sectarianism. No wonder the slogan in the iconic Pearl roundabout - smashed by the fearful al-Khalifa police state - was "neither Sunni nor Shi'ite; Bahraini".

What the protesters wanted was essentially a constitutional monarchy; a legitimate parliament; free and fair elections; and no more corruption. What they got instead was "bullet-friendly Bahrain" replacing "business-friendly Bahrain", and an invasion sponsored by the House of Saud.

And the repression goes on - invisible to US corporate media. Tweeters scream that everybody and his neighbor are being arrested. According to Nabeel Rajab, president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, over 400 people are either missing or in custody, some of them "arrested at checkpoints controlled by thugs brought in from other Arab and Asian countries - they wear black masks in the streets." Even blogger Mahmood Al Yousif was arrested at 3 am, leading to fears that the same will happen to any Bahraini who has blogged, tweeted, or posted Facebook messages in favor of reform.

Globocop is on a roll 
Odyssey Dawn is now over. Enter Unified Protector - led by Canadian Charles Bouchard. Translation: the Pentagon (as in Africom) transfers the "kinetic military action " to itself (as in NATO, which is nothing but the Pentagon ruling over Europe). Africom and NATO are now one.

The NATO show will include air and cruise missile strikes; a naval blockade of Libyia; and shady, unspecified ground operations to help the "rebels". Hardcore helicopter gunship raids a la AfPak - with attached "collateral damage" - should be expected.

A curious development is already visible. NATO is deliberately allowing Gaddafi forces to advance along the Mediterranean coast and repel the "rebels". There have been no surgical air strikes for quite a while.

The objective is possibly to extract political and economic concessions from the defector and Libyan exile-infested Interim National Council (INC) - a dodgy cast of characters including former Justice minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil, US-educated former secretary of planning Mahmoud Jibril, and former Virginia resident, new "military commander" and CIA asset Khalifa Hifter. The laudable, indigenous February 17 Youth movement - which was in the forefront of the Benghazi uprising - has been completely sidelined.

This is NATO's first African war, as Afghanistan is NATO's first Central/South Asian war. Now firmly configured as the UN's weaponized arm, Globocop NATO is on a roll implementing its "strategic concept" approved at the Lisbon summit last November (see Welcome to NATOstan, Asia Times Online, November 20, 2010).

Gaddafi's Libya must be taken out so the Mediterranean - themare nostrum of ancient Rome - becomes a NATO lake. Libya is the only nation in northern Africa not subordinated to Africom or Centcom or any one of the myriad NATO "partnerships". The other non-NATO-related African nations are Eritrea, Sawahiri Arab Democratic Republic, Sudan and Zimbabwe.

Moreover, two members of NATO's "Istanbul Cooperation Initiative" - Qatar and the United Arab Emirates - are now fighting alongside Africom/NATO for the fist time. Translation: NATO and Persian Gulf partners are fighting a war in Africa. Europe? That's too provincial. Globocop is the way to go.

According to the Obama administration's own official doublespeak, dictators who are eligible for "US outreach" - such as in Bahrain and Yemen - may relax, and get away with virtually anything. As for those eligible for "regime alteration", from Africa to the Middle East and Asia, watch out. Globocop NATO is coming to get you. With or without dirty deals.

Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007) and Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge. His new book, just out, is Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).

By Pepe Escobar 

You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. This, in short, is the essence of a deal struck between the Barack Obama administration and the House of Saud. Two diplomatic sources at the United Nations independently confirmed that Washington, via Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, gave the go-ahead for Saudi Arabia to invade Bahrain and crush the pro-democracy movement in their neighbor in exchange for a "yes" vote by the Arab League for a no-fly zone over Libya - the main rationale that led to United Nations Security Council resolution 1973. 

New World Order - USrael Conspiracy on Libya

New World Order 

Libyan Rebel Council Forms Oil Company to Replace Qaddafi’s

Libyan rebels in Benghazi said they have created a new national oil company to replace the corporation controlled by leaderMuammar Qaddafi whose assets were frozen by the United Nations Security Council.
The Transitional National Council released a statement announcing the decision made at a March 19 meeting to establish the “Libyan Oil Company as supervisory authority on oil production and policies in the country, based temporarily in Benghazi, and the appointment of an interim director general” of the company.
just for oil
The Council also said it “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.”
The Security Council adopted a resolution on March 17 that froze the foreign assets of the Libyan National Oil Corp. and the Central Bank of Libya, both described in the text as “a potential source of funding” for Qaddafi’s regime.
Libya holds Africa’s largest oil reserve. Output has fallen to fewer than 400,000 barrels a day,Shokri Ghanem, chairman of the National Oil Corp., said on March 19. The country produced 1.59 million barrels a day in January, according to estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Exports may be halted for “many months” because of sanctions and unrest, the International Energy Agency said.

‘Extended Shutdown’

Brent crude for May settlement on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange fell 0.3 percent to $114.62 as of 8:50 a.m. It surged to a 2 1/2-year high of $119.79 on Feb 24 as geopolitical tensions spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
The European benchmark will average $109 a barrel this year, up from a previous forecast of $98, on expectations of an “extended shutdown” of Libyan oil supplies, Societe Generale SA said in a monthly review dated yesterday.
The statement by the Transitional National Council also said the rebels would “urgently prepare a file on the referral of Qaddafi and his gang and his associates involved in the killing of Libyans to the International Criminal Court.”
The Security Council referred allegations of human rights violations by the Qaddafi regime to the court in a resolution adopted on Feb. 26.
The statement said the council would begin choosing ambassadors to foreign countries.
The UN said yesterday that Deputy Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi, who broke with the regime last month and said he was then representing the rebels, was no longer Libya’s accredited ambassador. Ambassador Mohammed Shalgham, who also broke with the regime, similarly lost his accreditation when Qaddafi appointed former UN General Assembly President Abdussalam Treki as envoy to the world body.
Treki hasn’t presented his credentials yet to Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon, a prerequisite for officials taking the post.
Mr Obama ##@*&% NWO againts human

Libyan Rebels Seek Cease-Fire After U.S. Vows to Withdraw Jets

Libya’s opposition called for a cease-fire after the U.S. said it’s withdrawing aircraft used to attack Muammar Qaddafi’s forces following adverse weather that prevented strikes allowing Libyan loyalists to push back rebels.
Libya’s rebels would accept a cease-fire if their demands for freedoms are met, said Mustafa Abdel Jalil, head of the rebel National Transitional Council, during a news conference televised today from their stronghold of Benghazi. Any agreement would have to involve Qaddafi’s fighters withdrawing from cities and their surrounding areas, he said.
The rebel move comes one day after Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said U.S. jets, won’t be flying with NATO forces over Libya after April 2. Mullen said planes would be made available only if requested by NATO. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told Congress the U.S. will “significantly ramp down our commitment” to Libya except for electronic warfare, aerial refueling and surveillance.
Rebels have been in retreat for three days as Qaddafi’s troops regain the initiative after almost two weeks of allied air strikes against them. This week’s recapture of the oil port Ras Lanuf by Qaddafi forces underscored the military weakness of his opponents. Intensive fighting continues around another oil port, Brega, which is under Libyan rebel control, Al Arabiya television reported.
“Seems to me, we are not doing everything necessary in order to achieve our policy goals and including relieving what is happening to the anti-Qaddafi forces,” Senator John McCain said at the hearing in Congress yesterday with Mullen and Gates. “I hope we don’t learn a bitter lesson from it.”

Can’t See Targets

Mullen said poor weather over the past three days in Libya meant pilots “can’t get on the targets; they can’t see the targets.”
Oil rose to a 30-month high in New York as economic data from China spurred hope of growing demand in the world’s biggest energy user and fighting in Libya fanned concern that output cuts may spread to Middle East producers. Crude for May delivery rose as much as 93 cents to $107.65 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the highest front- month price since Sept. 26, 2008. It was at $107.06 at 11:34 a.m. London time.
“It’s quiet today but there are snipers present and yesterday night a number of mortar rounds were fired and there was indiscriminate shelling from tanks as well,” Reda Almountasser, a resident in the western city of Misrata whose residents rose up against Qaddafi and have defied efforts by his forces to regain control, said in a telephone interview.

Rebel Leaders

U.S. political and military leaders said they’re unwilling to start providing arms and training for rebels fighting against Qaddafi. Mullen said there are “plenty of countries who have the ability, the arms, the skill set to be able to do this.” Gates said the U.S. doesn’t know enough about the insurgent groups beyond a “handful” of leaders.
“The rebels need more heavy weapons,” said Jan Techau, director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Brussels and a former analyst at the NATO Defense College. “They need simple stuff -- not high-tech weaponry that requires extensive training and would be dangerous if it fell into terrorist hands.”
The conflict in Libya, which began as a wave of anti- government protests similar to those in Egypt and Tunisia, escalated into armed conflict as the country’s army split and some soldiers joined the rebels. Oil prices have risen more than 25 percent since fighting began in mid-February.

‘Desperation, Fear’

U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron said the defection of Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa on March 30 is evidence of “the desperation and the fear right at the heart of the crumbling and rotten Qaddafi regime.” He said the former minister hasn’t been offered immunity. The Scottish prosecutor’s office said it wanted to interview Koussa about the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie that killed 270 people.
While dozens of Libyan diplomats have quit since the uprising against Qaddafi began, Koussa is one of the most senior officials to flee. Libya’s former deputy ambassador to the United Nations,Ibrahim Dabbashi, said more diplomats and senior-ranking Libyans are likely to defect from the Qaddafi regime “within days,” Sky News reported, adding that up to 10 top Libyan officials may abandon the regime.
Another senior Libyan official, Mohammed Ismail, visited London in recent days for confidential talks, the Guardian reported today citing unidentified U.K. officials.
Gates said he saw several end-game scenarios involving Qaddafi.

‘Family Kills Him’

“One is that a member of his own family kills him, or one of his inner circle kills him, or the military fractures, or the opposition, with the degradation of Qaddafi’s military capabilities rise up again,” Gates said.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization jets carried out more than 90 missions yesterday, Charles Bouchard, the Canadian air force general commanding the operation, said via videolink from Naples, Italy. A total of 20 of the 28 member states of the alliance are expected to contribute forces in the initial stages, NATO said. Germany has declined to take part.
Qaddafi said Western air strikes could lead to a war between Christians and Muslims that could spiral out of control, Sky News reported, citing a statement by the Libyan leader broadcast by state television.

Problem - Reaction - Solution
The Illuminati and the Secret Societies

The Illuminati and the Secret Societies have recently changed their plans. They see how many of us have awakened and they are ready to use this in their benefit. They want the "New World Order" in place (one language, one army, one electronic currency) so they will implement it with our consent.
"How would we give our consent to this?", you may ask. Well, they are using the same old manipulation technique, revealed to the public by David Icke.

It's a very simple (and always effective) concept, called:
Problem - Reaction - Solution 
They create a problem - We react to it, asking for a solution - They bring the solution;

This concept is their primary manipulation weapon and is always paying off. Please allow me to give you a simple example.

They wanted to invade Iraq and size their oil fields, but they had no reason to do it. So they used the "Problem - Reaction - Solution" technique:
The "Iraqi terrorists" "attacked" USA - The people asked for a response - They came with the solution: USA declared war to Iraq.
And this concept is applied in all other fields.

Back to the current situation, the implementation of NWO; they are trying to show us how corrupt the Governments are, in order for us to ask for a solution. Their people are working hard to demote 9/11, they intentionally leak information to the public using media tools (Wikileas for example), and so on.
I'm very curious what solution they'll bring forward, but remember!
Is THEIR solution and is a first step to NWO! 

Now on Libya. Who's next?

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