Saturday, May 28, 2011


Bulan Penuh Dua Hari Berturut-Turut

Saya tertarik ulasan seorang pengunjung merujuk kepada artikel perang dunia ke3 berkaitan fenomena alam yang seakan petunjuk kepada sesuatu yang bakal terjadi. Pengunjung ini menggunakan nama pena "Putu Mayam". Terima kasih saudara Putu, walaupun kurang sedap di baca namun hakikatnya semasa kecil dahulu saya amat meminati makanan putu mayam ini. Saya pun merasa hairan kenapa beliau memilih nama ini. Mungkin beliau mempunyai sebab tertentu ataupun tiada sebarang sebab hanya suka-suka. Hanya dia sahaja dapat menjawabnya.

Putu Mayam adalah makanan kaum India dan biasanya ia dimakan sebagai sarapan dan ada kalanya juga di makan sebagai hidangan petang hari. Sedap.!! Ya memang sedap dan ia dapat disediakan dengan ringkas. Bahannya hanyalah tepung yang di jadikan seumpama "bihun" atau meehun atau mee siam... ditaburkan kelapa (muda) parut dan gula merah. Orang Melayu sering makan putu buluh atau putu piring yang seakan sama rasanya dengan makanan ini.

Kita lupakan Putu Mayam ini dan kita tinjau apa yang cuba di sampaikan oleh pengunjung tersebut. Saya tidak berhasrat memaksa para pembaca mempercayainya bulat-bulat kerana ia hanyalah cetusan minda beliau sahaja. Apa salahnya kita menghayati pandangannya yang mungkin dapat membantu kita menilai setiap fenomena dan peristiwa yang bakal terjadi. Perkara yang lebih penting ialah supaya kita tidak jumud dan hanya berserah sahaja membiarkan diri kita tenggelam dalam kekeliruan.

Pandangan Beliau:

Perkara-perkara yang perlu diperhatikan sebagai petanda-petanda yang terdekat.

1.Bulan penuh selama 2 hari pada bulan april 2011. Kebiasannya hanya pada mlm ke 15 sahaja. Tetapi apa yang berlaku malam 15 dan malam 16 bulan mengambang penuh. Satu fenomena yang jarang berlaku. Isyarat kepada RAJA segala-gala RAJA dari keturunan ADAM.

2. Bunyi guruh bergema seolah-olah ada frekeunsi yang lebih halus sering berulang-ulang. kemungkinan HAARP digunakan. Supaya wujudnya gempa. Kecoh dan harubirukan dan kemudian bantuan akan sampai. Dan meneliti sejauh mana tindakbalas GOYYIM pada keadaan. CHAIN REACTION. Contoh terbaru JEPUN selepas ACHEH.

3. Projek makanan "halal" dimulakan seiring dengan krisis makanan dunia. Pesanan:- Sediakanlah garam banyak-banyak.

4. Tsunami skala yang lebih besar (10-10.4) akan berlaku ditengah-tengah Lautan Atlantik. Jepun, Mexico, Barat negara Amerika (USA) seperti bandaraya Los Angeles, Colombia, Filipina, Timur Laut Australia, Utara New Zealand dan Sedikit Timor Timur. Syukur Malaysia (Tanah yang Dijanjikan terlindung dari perkara ini). kapal perang pengangkut pesawat dan kapal Hidrografi dan covert USA lama dah berpusing-pusing satu dunia. Anak implan mereka (termo nuklear) lama dah tertanam hanya petik punat sahaja akan berlaku. Tanah Jawi sahaja tidak berani puak-puak ini hendak tanam. Tanam-tanam hilang. pening kepala puak-puak ini. Hanya krisis dalaman akan dimulakan dengan "Percikan api yang kecil" dengan harapan "bagaikan api dalam sekam" yang telah lama tersimpan akan menjadi marak. Politik picisan dimainkan tanpa mengira platform mana. Ingat gajah-gajah berperang pelanduk tetap jadi mangsa! Gajah-gajah ini adalah keturunan-keturunan Yahudi yang telah berhijrah sejak kurun ke 18 lagi ke Tanah JAWI dan telah pun memegang tampuk-tampuk di atas. Laksana Kamal Artartuk! Jadi jangan jadi pelanduk. Buat tidak reti sahaja. Sebab Tuhan lagi MAHA PERANCANG.

5. Pelik. Kristian Orthodox dan Konservatif akan berlawan dengan Kristian Pelampau. Yahudi Orthodox berlawan dengan Rejim Yahudi (*Zionis). Begitu juga Islam Radikal akan berlawan dengan Islam yang Moderate. Buddha Fanatik akan berlawan dengan Buddha yang diam dan Zuhud (sedikit contoh di Tibet dan Sempadan Burma Thailand). Dan akan berterusan.

6. Kebangkitan rakyat Mesir adalah perlambangan kebangkitan rakyat Singapura. Mesir negara yang banyak kepala patung-patung Singa purba. Manakala Singapura kepala singa zaman moden. Lihat keputusan pilihanraya Singapura baru-baru ini. Perang saudara di Libya adalah sebagai perlambangan Perang saudara di Thailand yang akan bertumpu di Selatan. Perlambangan Terusan Suez adalah Segenting Kra. Hindu tidak dapat dipastikan di mana berlaku. Mungkin juga Nepal (kot).

Percaya jangan. hanya Manikam sahaja yang mengenal Jauhari.


Perhatikan katanya yang terakhir, "hanya Manikam sahaja yang mengenal Jauhari" peribahasa yang terbalik. Sepatutnya "hanya Jauhari yang mengenal Manikam". Adakah ini juga ada sesuatu maksud yang tersembunyi?

Perkara yang paling hampir dengan kita ialah perkara tiga (3) dan empat (4).

Krisis Makanan: 
Sediakanlah garam banyak-banyak.  
 Mengapa "GARAM"?

Hanya krisis dalaman akan dimulakan dengan "Percikan api yang kecil" dengan harapan "bagaikan api dalam sekam" yang telah lama tersimpan akan menjadi marak. Politik picisan dimainkan tanpa mengira platform mana. Ingat gajah-gajah berperang pelanduk tetap jadi mangsa! Gajah-gajah ini adalah keturunan-keturunan Yahudi yang telah berhijrah sejak kurun ke 18 lagi ke Tanah JAWI dan telah pun memegang tampuk-tampuk di atas. Laksana Kamal Artartuk! Jadi jangan jadi pelanduk. Buat tidak reti sahaja. Sebab Tuhan lagi MAHA PERANCANG.
 Kamal Artartuk ?

Saya tidak bersedia untuk memberi ulasan atau komen, biarlah pembaca sendiri menilainya.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Perang Dunia III - pandangan paranormal

Anda tidak perlu percaya dengan tilikan para penilik dan ramalan ahli paranormal terutama jika mereka bukan Muslim.  Anggap sahaja sebagai bacaan biasa. Namun situasi semasa sememangnya menunjukkan kepada satu keadaan yang mencemaskan walaupun sebahagian besar penduduk bumi tidak menyedarinya.

Masih teringatkah anda mengenai kalender suku Maya yang menyatakan bahawa kiamat diramalkan akan terjadi pada tahun 2012. Akan tetapi ada juga para ahli spiritual yang menyatakan bahawa di tahun 2014 nanti akan muncul Perang Dunia ke-III. Ramalan tersebut diramalkan oleh paranormal yang ada di Rusia.

Sekelompok organisasi di Rusia, yang terdiri dari peramal dan paranormal. berkumpul untuk mengaitkan fenomena yang akan terjadi dalam waktu terdekat dan di masa depan.

"Fenomena yang mereka anggap sebagai akhir dari krisis kewangan, ternyata belum benar-benar berakhir. Ini merupakan permulaan dari krisis yang lebih besar dan akan terjadi dalam waktu terdekat," ujar ahli astrologi, Aleksei Kolov, seperti dikutip dari, Minggu (27/3/2011).

Ramalan yang lebih menarik dipaparkan oleh ahli astrologi lain, Pavel Globa. Menurut Globa, semua orang percaya bahawa ini merupakan tahun yang tenang. Namun Globa tidak setuju.

"Bagaimana boleh disebut sebagai tahun yang tenang jika Jepun disibukkan dengan gempa. Akan ada perang yang berlangsung di beberapa negara tahun ini, tetapi tidak di negara-negara lain. Kecuali saat musim panas berlangsung. Musim panas kali ini cukup sulit. Akan ada sekira tiga gerhana yang hadir berturut-turut pada sekitar bulan Jun dan Julai. Tahun ini jumlah keseluruhan akan ada kira-kira enam gerhana. Kita pernah mengalami tahun bencana dengan fenomena yang sama pada 20 tahun lalu, ketika Soviet Union runtuh, "ujar Globa.

Globa memberi amaran bahawa gerhana merupakan petanda bencana tahun ini. Gerhana terakhir akan terjadi pada 10 Disember, saat ini akan terjadi konflik di Balkan.

Menurut Globa, perhitungan perbintangan dan fenomena alam di tahun ini hampir sama dengan 1939, tahun permulaan ketika perang dunia ke-2 akan terjadi.

Sayangnya Globa tidak mengatakan negara mana yang akan mencetuskan perang tersebut. Hanya saja ia percaya bahawa revolusi di Afrika akan mencapai Rusia. Demonstasi rakyat akan berlangsung di sebahagian besar negara pusat Asia.

"Peristiwa tersebut terjadi kerana fenomena alam yang bernama Black Moon. Fenomena Black Moon ini telah mencetuskan beberapa bencana dunia seperti perang Libya dan gempa Jepun. Saat NATO menyerang Libya, Black Moon berada pada kedudukan sejajar dengan matahari. Bahkan saat gempa Jepun, Black Moon berada sejajar dengan Uranus, "ujar Globa.

Dalam waktu dekat, para peramal itu juga meramalkan akan ada revolusi di Syria dan Yaman. Pemimpin Yaman akan dapat digulingkan. Satu-satunya negara yang dianggap selamat oleh para ahli nujum itu hanya Algeria. Meskipun akan terjadi rusuhan di negara tersebut namun dianggap tidak akan berlangsung lama.

"Saya telah mempelajari kaji bintang terhadap pemimpin tiap negara. Presiden Algeria merupakan satu-satunya pemimpin yang tidak mempunyai karisma. Tarikh lahirnya sama dengan Gorbachev, 2 Mac 1931. Dia sepertinya akan hidup damai, memiliki kapal pesiar dan vila. Tidak akan ada revolusi di Algeria, "ujar Pavel Globa.

Sedangkan untuk takdir pemimpin Libya, Ghadafi, tidak banyak ahli nujum yang boleh meramal kerana tidak ada yang tahu tarikh lahirnya, apakah pada 1937, 1940, atau 1942. Namun menurut Globa, jika ia lahir pada 7 Jun, kemungkinan ia akan meninggal dunia di tarikh yang sama dengan hari lahirnya kerana akan ada gerhana pada tarikh tersebut.

Paranormal yang lain, Lara vais, mengatakan bahawa Jepun belum pulih daripada trauma gempa dan tsunami. Gempa hebat akan melanda Jepun lagi dan semakin ramai orang di bumi ini yang akan terbunuh.

Andrei Dondukov, seorang cenayang (pawang) dari Republik Tuva, mengatakan bahawa 2009 ditandai dengan era Yamaraj yang bermaksud dewa kematian.

"Setiap orang akan bertanggung jawab atas semua yang mereka lakukan selama ini. Era kematian akan ditutup pada 5 November," kata Dondukov.

Selanjutnya Dondukov berkata, lelaki akan mula kehilangan kekuatan dan kekuasaan yang selama ini selalu dikaitkan dengan jantina-kelakian tersebut. Saat ini era perempuan yang akan mula berkuasa.

"Selama ini kita hidup di era patriarki (sistem masyarakat yg sebahagian besar kekuasaannya dipegang oleh kaum lelaki). Era ini akan berakhir dan kekuasaan matriarki (penguasaan wanita) akan kembali di mana saatnya perempuan yang berkuasa," ujar Dondukov


Friday, May 20, 2011

"TIRUAN" daging babi bertukar jadi daging lembu

lembu atau babi?
Daging lembu tiruan
Orang China ni bukan sahaja pandai membuat pelbagai barang tiruan malah bahan makanan juga termasuk telur dan daging. Yang utama ialah untung, tidak peduli apa kesannya kepada pengguna. Memandangkan semuanya tidak memberikan kesan sampingan pada kadar segera dan hanya terjadi pada jangka masa panjang, mereka tidak takut untuk melakukannya. Atas dasar mengaut untung sebanyak-banyaknya dalam perniagaan mereka sanggup melakukan apa sahaja, mereka terus berenovasi mencipta sesuatu yang baru.  Mereka berjaya membuat telur tiruan malah lebih menarik mereka berjaya menukarkan daging babi menjadi daging lembu yang dinamakan "daging lembu tiruan".

Paling menakutkan apabila diberitahu bahan asasnya ialah daging babi. Ya... DAGING BABI! Terima kasih kepada penulis asal yang memaklumkan kepada kita perkara ini supaya dapat kita hindarkan diri dari termakan najis berat tersebut.

Di sana (negara China), harga daging lembu dua kali lebih mahal daripada daging babi. Jadi mereka mengambil langkah membuat tipu-helah dengan menjadikan daging babi seolah-olah daging lembu. Dalam masa 90 minit sahaja, daging babi yang digoreng akan menjadi "sesedap" daging lembu. ... Mahukah anda mencubanya?

Macam mana mereka buat? Mereka menggunakan “beef extract” yang dijual dalam bentuk botol dan berleluasa di sana. Mereka gaulkan daging babi dengan rempah tersebut, dan  .... terjadilah sesuatu keajaiban dimana daging babi yang dihidang itu telah berubah rasa seenak daging lembu. Mudah kan? Adakah peniaga di negara kita juga akan mengekspot teknologi ini untuk menjana keuntungan lumayan? Atau lebih mudah mengekspot daging babi tersebut kerana ianya murah di China. Andai kata ia berlaku, amatlah malang bagi kita semua umat Islam yang sedang menghadapi bencana serangan mental, jiga bakal diserang dalam bidang bahan permakanan. Ini tak termasuk mempopularkan coca-cola dan McD yang amat diragui kehalalannya.

Malaysia juga terkenal pengeluar babi terbesar di Asia Tenggara (memalukan sebagai sebuah negara Islam), tentu sekali tidak menjadi masalah untuk mereka (yang membenci Islam)  melakukan pengkhianatan tersebut. Sudahkah anda bersedia?

Buat waktu ini adalah lebih selamat jika tidak membeli daging lembu yang tidak diketahui sumbernya. Jauhi pembelian daging impot walaupun ia murah. Jika kita sendiri yang membelinya, mungkin kita mampu mengelaknya. Bagaimana pula dengan jamuan kenduri atau majlis keramaian? ... Inilah yang menjadi masalah besar kerana penguasaha makanan hanya memikirkan untung (bahan termurah) untuk menyediakan makanan. Adakah kita akan terselamat dari termakan daging babi? Cuba fikirkan.

Cuba lihat kesannya kepada kita bila kita memakan makanan bertaraf najis terutama najis berat sedemikian. Amat memudaratkan terutama dari segi keagamaan.  Makan makanan dari sumber haiwan yang tidak disembelih dengan betul sudah dianggap memakan bangkai, inikan pula memakan daging babi. Iman akan mengelonsor ke tahap yang amat buruk!

Dari maklumat yang diperolehi, sukar membezakan antara daging "tiruan" a.k.a. babi yang diubah ini dengan daging lembu sebenar jika dilihat dari sudud fizikalnya. Orang ramai pun tak dapat bezakan daging lembu tiruan tersebut. Malah dalam jangka masa panjang ia boleh menyebabkan cancer. Asalkan boleh membuat wang, peduli apa yang akan dihadapi oleh pemakannya!

Persoalannya, siapakah yang akan dipertanggung jawabkan untuk menyelamatkan umat Islam Malaysia dari bencana seperti ini yang semakin hari semakin melarat? Adakah ia hanya tanggung jawab individu semata-mata - untuk menghindarinya, bagaimana pula keadaannya mereka yang tidak mengetahuinya? Beribu jenis bahan makanan yang ada dalam pasaran negara kita dan semuanya digunakan oleh orang ramai termasuk orang Islam. Cuba renungkan, siapakah yang bertanggung jawab? Tentunya jawapan mudah ialah "kerajaan" termasuk majlis ulama dan majlis agama Islam!

Kerajaan sebagai pemerintah yang sering menslogankan "negara Islam" didapati tidak mampu membangunkan sebuah badan yang khusus menjaga hal ehwal makanan Islam/halal di negara ini. Ini amat menyedihkan. Teknologi Makanan sudah semakin maju, terdapat ramai saintis dalam bidang ini dan sudah ada yang mempunyai Dr phd dan bergelar pakar, malangnya mereka tidak dapat digabungkan bagi membantu memuktamadkan kajian berkaitan sumber makanan halal. Sekurang-kurangnya umat Islam akan terasa terbela jika langkah membangun infrastruktur ini dilakukan.

Sampai masanya sebuah badan bertaraf nasional ditubuhkan sekurang-kurangnya setaraf "Badan Berkanun" bagi menyelamatkan umat Islam negara ini dari menjadi mangsa manusia keparat yang hanya hidup di atas kemungkaran malah sanggup membuat tipuan menjadikan makanan "haram" bertukar kepada "halal".

Kita mengaku sebagai negara Islam, apakah layak disebut sedemikian jika tidak berusaha menyelamatkan umat Islam dari termakan najis? Persoalannya, sehingga kini belum ada usaha menubuhkan badan khas mengkaji halal/haram makanan Malaysia. Amat memalukan.

Teknologi ini sudah tiba di negara Malaysia? Wallahu a’lam

China: Changing Pork into Beef

Fauna from ChinaSMACK looks into the latest food security scandal on beef extract addictive which can turn pork into beef.

Process of turning pork into “beef” by adding beef extract exposed

Recently, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian, and other places have been exposed by the media who have discovered a kind of “beef extract” additive that allows pork to become “beef”.
First cut the pork into pieces.
First cut the pork into pieces.
Add beef extract to the pork pieces, mainly to allow the pork to gain a beef flavor. After half an hour, the pork becomes a brown color. Then add the pork to boiling water to cook it. The color of the pork will then also become darker.
Add beef extract to the pork pieces, mainly to allow the 
pork to gain a beef flavor. After half an hour, the pork 
becomes a brown color. Then add the pork to boiling 
water to cook it. The color of the pork will then also 
become darker.
Add the prepared "beef powder" to the pork, then add caramel.
Add the prepared "beef powder" to the pork, then add caramel.
After mixing, the pork immediately changes appearance, the color looking even more like soy sauce braised beef, mingled with an aroma.
After mixing, the pork immediately changes appearance,
 the color looking even more like soy sauce braised beef, 
mingled with an aroma.
The final product is very much like stewed beef.
The final product is very much like stewed beef.
See also: “More food fakes: Beef in Shanghai might be pork?” (Shanghaiist)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tora Bora 15 Disember 2001

Akhirnya, terbukti Obama mempunyai agenda tertentu dengan mengisytiharkan pembunuhan Osama. Siapakah yang dibunuh oleh tenteran Amerika pada 1 Mei 2011 yang lalu amat menarik uantuk difikirkan kerana Osama telah lama meninggal dunia. Semakin menghairankan berita ini (sebenarnya) telah disenyapkan dan tidak diulas oleh mana-mana akhbar utama antarabangsa termasuk di negara kita.

Pada tarikh 16 Disember, 2001 Osama Bin Ladin dilaporkan telah meninggal dunia dan dikebumikan di Tora Bora. Ia disiarkan oleh beberapa akhbar di Mesir dan Pakistan. Beliau mengalami penderitaan konpilasi paru-paru yang kronik dan meninggal dalam keadaan biasa dan aman. Ia disaksikan oleh beberapa ahli keluarga, rakan dan pejuang.

Adalah sukar untuk mengesan kuburannya kerana ia dikebumikankan mengikut tradisi Wahabbi yang tidak membenarkan tanda pada setiap kuburan. Secara amnya, sukar untuk dibuktikan bahawa Osama telah meninggal dunia dan ini memberi kesempatan kepada caturan baru USA-Zeo.

USA-Zeo membuat duplikasi Osama (seorang ejen CIA) dan mempergunakan watak ini sebagai manusia yang amat ganas dan menjadi perancang kerja sabotaj ke atas kepentingan USA sebagaimana dakwaan palsu peristiwa 911. Warga USA dengan mudah diperdaya sekaligus menyokong usaha Presidennya melaksanakan kerja membalas dendam ke atas Afghanistan dan seluruh umat Islam.

Sekaligus membuka peluang kepada gerakan Jesuits memburukkan agama Islam keseluruhannya sebagai agama yang ganas dan agama suci ini didakwa mempunyai elemen pengganas. Melalui kempen yang berterusan, ramai Muslimin yang tidak kuat imannya tergelincir ke dalam perangkap mereka.

Selanjutnya, Gerakan Kristianisasi sebagai cabang gerak halus Jesuits pula mengambil giliran mengkristiankan seramai mungkin orang Islam yang sebelum ini amat liat untuk dimurtadkan. Indonesia menjadi negara yang paling malang terjebak dalam gerakan mereka dan kini Malaysia pula sedang digempur.

Cuba teliti maklumat yang dibongkar oleh Global Research di bawah:

Global research Editor's Note

The translation from the Arabic has been verified on behalf of Global Research. This funeral announcement was published in the December 26 2001 edition of Al Wafd

Translation of Funeral Article in Egyptian Newspaper:
Al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633 

News of Bin Laden's Death and Funeral 10 days ago 

Islamabad. A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that bin Laden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air.

The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden. 

Ilusi Berjaya Dicipta

Dalam satu kajian yang dibuat oleh beberapa penganalisa konpirasi USA-Zeo menunjukkan alQaeda adalah rekaan semata-mata berasaskan satu nama database yang dipanggil al qaidat (kaedah) dan watak Usama pula dihidupkan kembali dan ditempatkan di Pakistan sebagai ejen CIA untuk memerangi Taliban di Afghanistan dan Pakistan. Semua ini adalah mainan politik Amerika-Zeo untuk mewujudkan sesuatu sebab untuk membolehkan sesuatu tindakan diambil ke atas sesuatu sasaran sepertimana Afghabistan, Iraq dan sekarang Libya serta Syria dan Pakistan di masa akan datang.

Malangnya semua negara ini adalah negara Islam. Bolehlah disimpulkan bahawa USA-Zeo ini adalah penyamaran Dajjal Laknatullah melaksanakan fitnah. Kita tunggu berita dari Isfahan, Iran. Kenapa? Cubalah fikirkan.

In this new and expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky's 2002 best seller, the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by "Islamic terrorists". Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

The expanded edition, which includes twelve new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy.

According to Chossudovsky, the "war on terrorism" is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The "war on terrorism" is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the "New World Order", dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington's agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Real Al Qaeda & Osama bin Laden

Al Qaeda just a database and Osama is CIA agent in Afghabistan, thats all.....

Al Qaeda: A CIA Database | Not A Terrorist Group


True Story: Al Qaeda & Osama

“In the mid-1980s, Al Qaida was a database located in computer and dedicated to the communications of the Islamic Conference’s secretariat.

“In the early 1990s, I was a military intelligence officer in the Headquarters of the French Rapid Action Force. Because of my skills in Arabic my job was also to translate a lot of faxes and letters seized or intercepted by our intelligence services . . . We often got intercepted material sent by Islamic networks operating from the UK or from Belgium.

“These documents contained directions sent to Islamic armed groups in Algeria or in France. The messages quoted the sources of statements to be exploited in the redaction of the tracts or leaflets, or to be introduced in video or tapes to be sent to the media. The most commonly quoted sources were the United Nations, the non-aligned countries, the UNHCR and . . . Al Qaida.

“Because of the presence of ‘rogue states,’ it became easy for terrorist groups to use the email of the database. Hence, the email of Al Qaida was used, with some interface system, providing secrecy, for the families of the mujaheddin to keep links with their children undergoing training in Afghanistan, or in Libya or in the Beqaa valley, Lebanon. Or in action anywhere in the battlefields where the extremists sponsored by all the ‘rogue states’ used to fight. And the ‘rogue states’ included Saudi Arabia. When Osama bin Laden was an American agent in Afghanistan, the Al Qaida Intranet was a good communication system through coded or covert messages.

Meet “Al Qaeda”

Al Qaida was neither a terrorist group nor Osama bin Laden’s personal property . . . The terrorist actions in Turkey in 2003 were carried out by Turks and the motives were local and not international, unified, or joint. These crimes put the Turkish government in a difficult position vis-a-vis the British and the Israelis. But the attacks certainly intended to ‘punish’ Prime Minister Erdogan for being a ‘toot tepid’ Islamic politician.

” . . . In the Third World the general opinion is that the countries using weapons of mass destruction for economic purposes in the service of imperialism are in fact ‘rogue states,” specially the US and other NATO countries.

” Some Islamic economic lobbies are conducting a war against the ‘liberal” economic lobbies. They use local terrorist groups claiming to act on behalf of Al Qaida. On the other hand, national armies invade independent countries under the aegis of the UN Security Council and carry out pre-emptive wars. And the real sponsors of these wars are not governments but the lobbies concealed behind them.

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.”

In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group. It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.

source: truth11

Saturday, May 14, 2011

NATO Membunuh Ahli Agama

Libya: NATO kills Muslim theologians
Laaska News May 14,2011

Most victims of the NATO bombing of the city of Marsa El Brega (800km east of Tripoli) are local theologians, an eye-witness reported to the state Jamahiriya TV. He said that the blow was struck at dawn on Friday on a small hotel where a group of Islamic sheikhs was staying. All of them had arrived there to take part in religious rites.
According to the Libyan TV, 16 people were killed and 40 injured as a result of the raid.

Laaska News  May 14,2011
The Western interference in Libya may further encourage the revolts in Syria, Yemen and Bahrain, setting off untold turmoil across the Muslim world.
Foreign Minister Lavrov made this warning on Friday during a visit to Almaty in Kazakhstan.
He also said Russia and all other members of the BRICS group which brings this country together with India, China, South Africa and Brazil believe that the anti-Gaddafi coalition has grossly overstepped its UN mandate in Libya, and the crisis in that North African country must be settled through talks.

Laaska News  May 13,2011
Russia welcomes the initiative of the U.S to free up Muammar Gaddafi`s frozen assets to help Libya’s opposition as this does not run counter to the earlier approved UN resolutions, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexei Sazonov said.
He stressed, however, that the procedure itself must be supervised by the UN so that the released money is spent to support those citizens who took the side of the opposition and not to supply arms to Libya.

War On Libya & Its Reaction

Laaska News  May 13,2011   More  New
NATO keeps bombing Tripoli as Libyan rebels seek legitimacy, aid
TRIPOLI/BENGHAZI, May 13 (Xinhua) — NATO warplanes continued to rain bombs on the Libyan capital of Tripoli Thursday, causing further civilian casualties and damage, as Libyan opposition forces are seeking more international recognition and aid.
At least three civilians were killed, including two local journalists and a local official, during a NATO raid early Thursday that targeted Tripoli, according to Libyan government spokesperson Moussa Ibrahim.
He said the two journalists and the official were making a documentary about the hundreds of Libyan civilians sleeping in Gaddafi’s compound to show support for their leader when missiles landed in the area and killed them.
The bombing came hours after Gaddafi’s first TV appearance Wednesday almost two weeks after one of his sons was killed in NATO air raids on April 30, showing he was meeting with several tribal leaders. It was seen as the Libyan government’s attempt to dispel rumors that Gaddafi was already dead.
Ibrahim said the air strikes were aimed at pressuring Gaddafi to end his 42-year rule.
“All they want is to break our morale, to cause death and destruction everywhere,” Ibrahim said. “People are being killed, every single day, every single night.”
Libya’s state television also said Thursday that a NATO air strike caused damage to the embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in Tripoli.
Officials at the embassy confirmed to Xinhua that a number of cars were destroyed and windows of a building were also shattered during the air strike late Tuesday.
But NATO has denied it attacked the DPRK’s embassy, saying their target was a military compound in the capital.
“Last night, NATO attacked a large command and control bunker complex in downtown Tripoli that was used to coordinate attacks against civilian populations and successfully hit the targets we were aiming at,” said an alliance official.
He said the DPRK embassy was located some 500 meters from the target NATO struck. However, he admitted collateral damage would always exist.
Libyan opposition forces said Thursday that anti-Gaddafi demonstrations were staged in many neighborhoods in Tripoli. Protesters burned a police station in a suburb and set up night patrols and checkpoints in other neighborhoods.
While NATO has been persistently dropping bombs, Libya opposition forces are busy trying to gain more international recognition for its National Transitional Council (NTC).
The rebels, running short of ammunition and money, are also fighting the pro-Gaddafi forces some 40 km west of Misrata.
Opposition spokesman Abdel Hafed Ghoga told Xinhua in Benghazi that the lack of weapons was their major obstacle to achieving breakthroughs on the front lines.
Currently, France, Italy, Qatar, Gambia and Maldives have recognized the NTChave recognized the NTC while the European Union (EU), the United States, and Spain have sent envoys to Benghazi to assist the NTC.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said during a meeting with visiting NTC Chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil Thursday that Britain would invite the rebels to set up an office in London.
He said Britain was completing plans to transfer several millions of pounds worth of equipment to Benghazi police and to help improve the council’s public broadcasting capacities.
The NTC is also sending its chief diplomat Mahmud Jibril to the United States to court U.S. recognition. He is expected to meet at the White House on Friday with National Security Advisor Tom Donilon.
In an interview with CNN television, he said the NTC wants Washington to recognize the council as “the sole legitimate interlocutor of the Libyan people.”
Jibril also appealed to Washington for help as they were “running almost out of money.”
Outgoing U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the air campaign in Libya had already cost the U.S. roughly 750 million U.S. dollars, which surpassed the Pentagon’s initial estimate of 604 million.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a Moscow newspaper Thursday that the coalition’s operation against the Libyan government has gone beyond what UN Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973 could mandate.
The NATO-led campaign “openly employs double standards,” stopping humanitarian cargo ships and taking a one-sided stand in the conflict, he said.
Lavrov urged an immediate ceasefire in Libya and the start of mediatory efforts by the African Union and the United Nations. He also warned that the prolonged conflict would bring “catastrophic consequences, including break-up of Libya.”
Top White House official to meet with Libyan opposition leader 
WASHINGTON, May 12 (Xinhua) — U.S. President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor Tom Donilon will meet with Libyan opposition leader Mahmoud Gibril on Friday as the opposition forces made gains on the ground, the White House said Thursday.
In his first official visit to Washington as president of the Interim Transitional National Council’s Executive Bureau, Gibril will also meet with other senior U.S. government officials and members of Congress, the White House said.
The visit came as Libyan opposition forces made significant advances against government troops in the besieged city of Misrata in western Libya, including capturing the airport and large swaths of territory around the city.
NATO has stepped up its bombing campaign against Libyan government troops and improved coordination with the opposition.
Related News:
Laaska News  May 12,2011  
British prime minister holds talks with Libyan rebel leader
LONDON, May 12 (Xinhua) — British Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday invited the rebel Libyan Interim National Transitional Council to establish a London office during a meeting with council chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil.
Cameron said the British presence in the opposition-held port of Benghazi would also be boosted.
“These steps continue our very clear intention to work with the council to ensure Libya has a safe and stable future, free from the tyranny of the Gaddafi regime,” the prime minister said.
Camerson said Britain is completing plans to transfer several million pounds worth of equipment to the police in Benghazi and also will help improve the council’s public broadcasting capacities.
Cameron said he and Jalil discussed events in Libya and how to build the future that the Libyan people deserved.
“It is impossible to imagine a real future for Libya with Gaddafi in power,” Camerson said, “The council represents the future of Libya as much as (Libyan leader Muammar) Gaddafi represents its past.”
Jalil said he came to London to express gratitude to the British people and their government “for their discipline and moral stand” in supporting the rebellion.
“This stand was not based on any benefit that the British government may derive from this support,” he said. “It is a humanitarian position. I assure you that you will never regret taking this stand.”
Jalil met with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and also was scheduled to hold talks with Foreign Secretary William Hague, who said in a statement that “the NTC is a legitimate representative of the Libyan people.”
“The situation in Libya remains of very serious concern, and this visit provides a welcome opportunity to discuss with Jalil the latest situation on the ground,” Hague said, “and to look at how Britain and international community can continue to support the Libyan people.”
The British government has urged Gaddafi to stand down immediately and initiate a real ceasefire, so that the legitimate needs of Libya’s people can be met, Hague said.
British PM invites Libyan rebels to open office in London 
LONDON, May 12 (Xinhua) — British Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday invited Libyan rebel leader to open an office in London.
Cameron made the decision after meeting with Mustafa Abdul Jalil, head of the Libyan National Transition Council (NTC) at the Downing Street No. 10.
In addition, Cameron said Britain will further supply non-lethal equipment for police officers in Libya.
He said “these steps continue our very clear intention to work with the council to ensure Libya has a safe and stable future, free from the tyranny of the Gaddafi regime.”
Jalil will also meet with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Foreign Secretary William Hague and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne.
Laaska News.
Polish FM visits Libyan opposition base, with no formal recognition 
BENGHAZI, Libya, May 11 (Xinhua) — Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski on Wednesday visited the base of Libyan opposition, the first European foreign minister visiting here, but he did not formally announce the formal recognition of the National Transitional Council (NTC) neither by Poland nor the European Union.
After meeting with the NTC’s vice chairman and spokesman Abdel Hafed Ghoga, Sikorski told reporters that he had came to Benghazi in consultation with European Union’s vice president and high representative for foreign affairs policy.
However, Sikorski denied Poland or the EU now formally recognized the NTC, saying that Poland is fully in line with EU’s decision two months ago recognizing the NTC as a legitimate interlocutor.
The Polish foreign minister’s visit came as Ashton announced earlier on Wednesday that EU will open an office in Benghazi to support the NTC and help for security sector reform and institution-building.
“My presence here is a proof that Poland has forged practical contact with the council,” said Sikorski.
Sikorski assured that both Poland and the EU will provide support in political, humanitarian and cadre training, etc..
“On behalf of Poland and the EU I promise you, you will get that assistance,” said Sikorski. He also assured that after taking the presidency of the EU on the first of July, Poland will show our energy in helping democratic aspirations of Libya.
Sikorski asked Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to relinquish the reigns of power as the best thing that now he can do for Libya.
“40 some years has been enough, he now needs to give a chance to other people, to people who has made their choice,” said.
The Benghazi-based opposition NTC is now busy fighting against pro-Gaddafi forces in Misrata as well as seeking international recognition and support.
To date France, Italy, Qatar and Kuwait are the only four countries that recognize the NTC as the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people.
Laaska News  May 11,2011
UN fed up with violence in Syria and Libya

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Syria and Libya to stop violent suppressing  mass protests in the countries.
He stated this during a press-conference in Geneva on Wednesday.
He also reproached the countries for not giving UN staff access to the needy in the areas of unrest and urged  cooperation.
He also called for  an “immediate, verifiable ceasefire” in Lybia.
EU to open office in Benghazi to back Libya opposition 
BRUSSELS, May 11 (Xinhua) — The European Union’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said in Strasbourg on Wednesday that the EU was planning to open an office in Benghazi, the Libyan opposition’s base camp.
Ashton addressed the European Parliament that the EU intends to open an office in Benghazi, “so we can move forward on the support to the people, to support civil society, to support the Interim Transitional National Council”.
Ashton’s deputy spokesman Maya Kocijancic confirmed the proposal in a telephone interview, without further details and comments.
First batch of US aid for rebels arrives in Libya


The first batch of non-military U.S. assistance to the Libyan opposition is to be delivered to the port city of Benghazi where the Transitional National Council is based. This was announced on Tuesday by State Department spokesman Mark Toner.
According to Toner the rebels will receive more than 10,000 food rations and will be soon be sent medical supplies and protective equipment.
It is expected that one of the leaders of the rebels, Mahmoud Jibril, is to visit Washington this week.
The Obama Administration announced in April that it will allocate $ 25 million to provide non-military assistance to the opposition in Libya.
According to one member of the Senate, the provision for providing such support, in the future, may open the door to providing the rebels with weapons.
Laaska News May 10,2011  
New UN Security Council resolution on Libya needed

Vladimir Chizhov. Photo: RIA Novosti

The EU-proposed military operation in order to defend the staff of humanitarian organizations in Libya needs a respective UN Security Council resolution, said Russia’s permanent representative in the UN Vladimir Chizhov in his interview for the Euractiv web site.
He stressed that such an operation can become necessary under certain circumstances. However, the initiative should belong to the UN Security Council, rather than the UN Secretariat or the UN Refugee Agency.
Related Articles:
Laaska News May 9,2011 
NATO chief says no military solution solely to Libyan conflict 
WASHINGTON, May 8 (Xinhua) — There is “no military solution solely” to the Libyan conflict, the NATO chief said on Sunday.
“In conclusion we have stopped Gaddafi in his track, his time is running out, he’s more and more isolated,” asserted NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen in an interview with CNN’s “State of the Union” program.
When asked what NATO is going to do to break the stalemate on the ground between the Libyan opposition forces and government military, Rasmussen replied: “First of all, we have to realize there’s no military solution solely. We will need a political solution.”
Rasmussen reiterated that the NATO-led mission in Libya is accomplished only when its three very clear military objectives are fulfilled, which are “a complete end” to all attacks against civilians, a “free and unhindered and immediate access” for humanitarian assistance and a withdrawal of government troops to their bases and barracks.
EU calls conference on refugees from North Africa
Concern about the growing problem of refugees from Libya has been voiced by European Commissioner for Internal Affairs Cecilia Maelstrom. She reported that on May 12 the European Commission shall convene a conference of EU foreign ministers, the department of UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the European Bureau for Assistance to Refugees and the International Organization for Migration.
   The forum participants shall issue a call for the admission and resettlement of refugees, and discuss the obligations of EU countries in this regard.
   “The EU must show solidarity with those of its members, that are carrying the brunt of the burden, as well as countries in North Africa, which are particularly impacted by the conflict in Libya”, – underlined the Commissioner.
  Some countries have expressed willingness to host refugees from the region. The EU is ready to help them, including financially.
Laaska News May 8,2011
Tunisia condemns “repeated violations” of territorial integrity by Libya
TUNIS, May 7 (Xinhua) — The Tunisian interim government reiterated “strong condemnation of the dangerous violations of its territorial integrity by Libyan forces” in a communique released Saturday, the official press agency TAP reported.
The condemnation came after some 80 mortar shells fired from Libya fell on the Tunisian side of the border near Dhehiba on Saturday, according to TAP.
The Tunisian authorities consider these violations as extremely dangerous for the Tunisian people and territorial security, the government said, stressing their negative consequences on the relations between the two countries.
In spite of the violations, Tunisia decided not to close the Dhehiba border point driven by its humanitarian commitment to provide shelter to the stranded Libyan nationals, the communique said.
Tunisia will take whatever measures it deems necessary to preserve its territorial integrity and the safety of its inhabitants and refugees “within the framework of international law,” it said.
Over the past weeks, Libyan rockets have fallen inside Tunisia’ s southern border, triggering panic among the local population.
 Laaska News May 6,2011 
Western, Arab nations pledge financial support for Libyan rebels 
ROME/TRIPOLI, May 6 (Xinhua) — A contact group of Western and Arab countries have pledged to create a special fund worth millions of U.S. dollars to help Libyan rebels oust Muammar Gaddafi.
While the institution of the so-called Temporary Financial Mechanism (TFM) was the centerpiece accomplishment of Thursday’s meeting of the Contact Group on Libya, the amount firmly committed — 180 million U.S. dollars, all of it from the government of Kuwait — was far short of the 2 to 3 billion dollars the rebels said they needed.
Funding for humanitarian efforts came stronger, with pledges reaching 245 million dollars. But the main funding mechanism for humanitarian initiatives, a proposal to unfreeze some of the Libyan state assets and Libyan leader Gaddafi’s personal assets held outside the country for the rebels, will be decided by the United Nations.
The U.S. Department of Treasury has frozen some 30 billion dollars in assets owned by the Libyan government on U.S. soil.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in Rome Thursday that the United States is trying to free up some of the money to support the Libyan opposition, whose forces have been unable to make gains on the ground though under the cover of NATO-led air raids.
In Tripoli,the Libyan government slammed the U.S. plan, saying: “Any use of the frozen assets is like piracy on the high seas.”
In Washington, the U.S. government imposed sanctions on Libya’s state broadcaster and two other government-owned companies.

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